
Lorena Magos
From the year that we sponsored Know the Cause with Doug Kaufmann, this product poster was seen by more than
“Because of heredity, the women in my family tend to have weak teeth and I was no exception… I was
“I went on a vacation to Las Vegas. I went in the sun and went in the Jacuzzi and after
“I went to the local health food store and he gave me the Super Silica™. I tried other silica formulas
My knee hurt so much I was sleeping with an ice pack every night in my bed because I was
“The Super Silica™ makes my water taste fantastic. I visited my dentist today and they said, Wow, you know you
“I had something growing on the top of my shoulder that I noticed it for about a week and went,
He said that he had tried SS. When he ran out, he went to the health food store and bought
“This is so cool.  It’s amazing. I have probably for the last, I’m gonna say, four years, my dentist pointed
“My energy level is really high. I go all day without getting tired. I used to be so tired and